During this historic pandemic, WEFTA’s commitment to the communities we serve continues!
Access to safe water and sanitation is critical for proper handwashing and hygiene to reduce the spread of disease. As coronavirus spreads around the globe, indigenous communities in developing countries are facing unprecedented risks. These close-knit communities with multi-generational families often living together do not have access to safe water and sanitation, which is critical for proper handwashing and hygiene.
WEFTA is committed to continuing our ongoing work with less-fortunate communities in Latin America and Africa to find solutions for reliable and sustainable water and sanitation systems. We remain dedicated to promoting WASH in healthcare facilities and continue to work together with local leaders and representatives, healthcare workers, and community members on the construction of water and wastewater projects.
Through our connections, WEFTA helped facilitate the deployment of over 1,600 medical-grade face shields to health service ministries working on the frontline with COVID-19 in Bolivia, India, and Nigeria managed by Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul International Project Services.
While travel to some project sites may be restricted, we continue to work with our in-country partners by collaborating remotely on planning, designing, and reviewing water and sanitation projects, thereby providing communities with the infrastructure they need to stay safe during the pandemic crisis.
One of our strategic partners, Water Mission, has done an outstanding job collating materials into a usable format to share as resources for getting information about the pandemic out to vulnerable populations.
FREE COVID-19 RESOURCES provided by Water Mission
During these unprecedented times, WEFTA will continue making connections, empowering communities, and changing lives!